Donate and make a difference

$32,436.00 raised
Goal: $20,000.00

Thank you for your donation to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Columbus. Your donation will help us continue the work of the Society in the Columbus Diocese. St. Vincent de Paul is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your donation may be tax deductible. Consult IRS regulations about deductions or your tax advisor to make sure you are eligible for the deduction.


Please note: The ARCH Reentry Program and the Vincentian Ohio Action Network (VOAN), who sponsors our Think Tanks on Poverty, have new web pages. If you are interested in donating to these programs, please go to:

ARCH Reentry:

VOAN and Think Tanks on Poverty:


If you are interested in donating to our St. Vincent de Paul Programs, please use this page to donate online. Be sure to indicate which program you would like to support in the drop down section.


You may also send a check to:

St. Vincent De Paul, Diocesan Council of Columbus

197 E. Gay St. 

Columbus, OH  43215


  • If you are donating to the Microloan Program, make your check payable to SVDP Columbus Diocesan Council and note the county you wish to support in the memo line. For example: Microloan - Licking County.   


  • If you are donating to other St. Vincent de Paul Funds, make your check payable to SVDP Columbus Diocesan Council and note the program you wish to support in the memo line. For example: SVDP Emergency Fund or St. Lawrence Haven.


  • If you are donating to the Vincentian Ohio Action Network, go to their web site to donate online at  or, make your check payable to Vincentian Ohio Action Network (or "VOAN") and note the project you wish to support in the memo line, if desired. For example: Newark Think Tank on Poverty. 


  • If you are donating to the ARCH Ministry, go to their web site to donate online at, or make your check payable to Vincentian Ohio Action Network (or "VOAN") and note "ARCH ministry" in the memo line.