Voice of the Poor

The Advocacy Arm of Saint Vincent de Paul
Guided by Catholic Social Teaching

Mission:  Work with Vincentians and those in poverty to create systemic change by identifying and removing structures that cause and perpetuate poverty and by promoting strategies to empower people in poverty. 

Foster Connections
We work with other organizations that also seek to end poverty and build strategic partnerships.

Empower People in Poverty
We support the direct service ministries of the Society, as well as create new efforts towards systemic change, such as

Getting Ahead Workshops
Low interest loan program
Vincentian Ohio Action Network (VOAN)

Tell Our Story
We empower people to tell their stories through hosting events and community conversations and a variety of other methods to communicate the good work of Vincentians.

Provide Resources to Vincentians
Help Vincentians identify structural barriers and develop strategies to address those barriers, including:

Position papers
Legislative updates
Calls to action

Educate and Inform Decision-Makers 
Communicate issues that are important to individuals living in poverty:

Share stories of people in poverty
Build strong coalitions led by people in poverty